Monday, August 2, 2010



Among the future inventions in e-readers is this paper thin, flexible film that reads like a magazine or newspaper.
LG Display, a manufacturer of thin-film transistor liquid crystal display panels has developed an 11.5 inch flexible e-paper display.
The 0.3 mm thick metal foil substrate resembles a traditional newspaper but operates as an e-reader.
The GIP (Gate-in-Panel) technology promises to be the next generation in digital display technology competing in the e-book market.
E-paper's ultra-thin, flexible and lightweight form reduces maintenance and power consumption costs but its scalable size encourages additional applications such mounting to large curved surfaces such as pillars.

Needle-less Injection

This future invention is a device for delivering medication and vaccinations through the skin.
As an alternative to injecting a needle, micro-poration is a painless method of transferring medication (intraepidermal) into the body using laser technology.
A handheld laser creates micro pores in the epidermis of the skin for the transfer of molecules.
It has a familiar comparison to the "needle-less" device used by Dr. "Bones" McCoy on Star Trek. The popular sci-fi series has inspired more than a few new inventions including the "laser" and the "cell phone".
This new micro-poration technology is painless to use and requires no supervision to administer. The interfaced controls regulate the dosage.

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