Wednesday, July 21, 2010


India ranks among top 5 countries for cyber attacks Globally

According to a recent report by Symantec, India ranks among top 5 countries globally for cyber attacks. India was ranked 11th in 2008 and has risen to 5th position in 2009. The other countries are Russia, China, US and Brazil. India also ranks 2nd in the Asia Pacific countries for cyber crimes. Cyber attacks from India accounts for 16 percent in total cyber crimes in Asia Pacific countries in 2009, up from less than 1 percent in 2008.

Among Indian cities, it is reported that Mumbai has maximum number of computers impacted form bots accounting for 50 percent of computers infected with bots, followed by Delhi 13 percent and Hyderabad 7 percent.

  • Have a strong password
Bad password: Birth date, birth year, ordinary words, names of loved ones etc.,
Strong password: Capitalize random letters or insert numbers for added security.

  • Don’t allow programs to run with administrator privileges by default. Manually authorize program installations and check the dialog boxes carefully to verify their sources.

  • When banking online always look for https:// in the address bar. S indicates secure, encrypted connection.

  • Always use the original software’s and update them regularly.

  • Use proper antivirus and anti spy ware tools which are updated regularly.


  • Class 10 SDXL card: it is stamp size memory card using silicon power. It has a memory capacity of 64 GB and ideal for camcorders and digital cameras.

  • Nokia launches a new Bicycle Charger Kit. It uses the Dynamo Power for charging mobile phone.

  • New book was released by Wiley Press and it was named as “Beginning Microsoft Visual Basic 2010”. It covers full features of visual basic 2010. The cost of the book is 549 rupees.

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